About Ollie

My own experience has inspired me to coach meditation and mindfulness, and more recently Qigong. I was going through a difficult period of time about ten years ago and stumbled upon a meditation class. This was how it started and I continued to show up for 6 or 7 sessions and I learned that it is possible to quieten and observe the mind. Well, this was quite a revelation to me and I have kept a regular meditation practice ever since.

One thing led to another and I find myself regularly attending Yoga classes at Triyoga in Soho and at The Henley Yoga Studio with Steve and Carlin. I continued with the yoga classes for a few years and then Steve mentioned his Qigong class – one class and I was hooked! I loved Steve’s classes and at the same time developed my own practice drawing influences from Peter Caughey who I bumped into in Bali and Paul Cavel of Energy Arts who I continue to train with and am currently studying the Dragon & Tiger sequence. I have just picked up again with Steve’s classes and it’s really interesting to bring all I have learned about Qigong, Neigong and Qi into this practice.

I have been teaching meditation for seven years having studied with Traditional Yoga. I have been teaching Qigong for five years, combining my skills into a class called ‘Mind & Movement’ in which I aim to quieten the mind with mindful movement of the body – we sit to meditate at the end and by this time the mind is still and calm as we rest the body alongside.

My classes are relaxed and fun but serious about helping you nurture a Qigong and meditation practice and develop peace of mind.

” To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float “

Alan Watts

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